  • Andrew Fyfe

    March 15, 2024

    Who are you at Neutone?

    Hey folks! 🤙🏻 I’m Andrew, the CTO and one of the founders of Neutone. I am an engineer and researcher but I was a musician first before becoming gripped by the exciting advances in music tech. I used to (and still do 👀) geek out about guitars and guitar gear! I have my eye set on eurorack next… but this could be a dangerous hobby to start and it could possibly spiral out of control. Time will tell.

    What do you work on?

    You usually find me hacking together some new creative tool or idea as well as leading the technical development across our projects at Neutone! I architected and led development of the original Neutone audio plugin which has since gave birth to several other exciting projects at Neutone! I’m often finding ways to deploy the latest advances in AI research to formats that are accessible to artists for creative exploration!

    Why are you doing this?

    I have always been fascinated by sound, music and the experiential and perceptual phenomena that we experience through listening. Inspired by the genres and movements throughout history and their correlation to the advances in technology, I feel it’s my duty to help shape the future of music through technology and innovation. I want to discover new sounds and listening experiences that inspire and move people. At Neutone we are bringing you the technology that will empower and equip artists to uncover new genres!


    What do you hope Neutone Morpho offers artists/musicians?

    Neutone Morpho offers a completely fresh kind of creative experience for artists through our groundbreaking Tone Morphing technology. It’s a way of creating whole new kinds of musical expressions driven by other audio sources in real-time! I hope this technology will become instrumental in an artist’s toolkit and tap into new sonic experiences that are not possible without the use of Neutone Morpho.

    What’s next in store!?

    Next, is a complete revolution in audio synthesis. Neural Audio synthesis is fast evolving and we’re starting to see some huge impact, influence and adoption. You can bet Neutone will be staying on the front line and at the bleeding edge! We aim to continue innovating to bring future creative tools to artists! As well as Neutone Morpho, we have Neutone Gen and Neutone Cocoon but maybe more on that another day 😉 . Stay tuned! You can follow our movements on social media as well as our newsletter!

    What are you listening to these days? 🎧

    Currently, I’m enjoying a combination of music! Notably, right now some minimalist techno/ambient-electro like ‘Datasette’ and ‘Jon Hopkins’ as I find it’s chill coding vibes and allows me to tap into my creative flow. On the flip side of the spectrum, some aggressive instrumental metal like Monuments, Animals as Leaders and Tesseract for some head bops!